I posted possibility thinking blog yesterday and one of my friends, Amol, responded to one of the photo I posted on Facebook earlier. The context of the image and the image is as follows –

Flood in Western India

Necessity is mother of invention

This was a photo in Mid-day (a newspaper in Mumbai) sometime in 2007/08/09. I do not own the copyright for the picture.
Posting this photo for sensitizing people about problem in some parts of India…

Caption for this image in Mid-day was – Father of Invention.
Response of my friend to this (possibility thinking) is
I see few good things in it…
1. It supports “go green” concept as this boat is not made of wood – saving trees..
2. It shows next generation boat where one or two holes wont drown it – multiple air sockets help it float…at the same time, it has option for expansion due to open ends…
3. I see unity – multiple pots r helping together to keep this guy float
4. I see alternative way of selling veg/fish/flowers, etc. which can be carried out in these pots as permissible – fun way of shopping for me!
5. At the end of the day, u can bring home some fresh water… 😉

If he can do this without education, he can do ++ with education….

KRD Pravin

Here I am supposed to write about myself. Professionally, I am quite serious and a workaholic; personally I am an individual who enjoys what he does and takes life as it comes. I am passionate about my work and actions and empathetically careful, attached and committed to them. All this makes me a fierce competitive professional and yet a compassionate soul, the Yin and the Yang together. Balancing is the art to be practiced using the middle path. From - http://business2buddha.com/about/


Kaushik Ramchandran · September 2, 2010 at 12:22 am

good one…this is classic ‘Jugaad’

LS Subramanian · September 17, 2013 at 6:38 pm

Agree with you, education will empower our people to add value to themselves and the nation.

Every problem is a nail… if you only have hammer in your tool box! | Business to the Buddha · October 20, 2010 at 2:31 am

[…] my face I can say I was just questioning my assumptions, you may check possibility thinking and questioning assumptions blog. Let me come to the “classic personality” type. Personally, this incident was making […]

Possibility thinking continued… | Business to the Buddha · December 12, 2013 at 12:07 pm

[…] Thank you so much for visiting our blog. We have moved from WordPress to self hosted blog at http://Business2Buddha.com. The blog you wish to read is at http://business2buddha.com/2010/08/23/possibility-thinking-continued/ […]

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