You may argue with Management professionals that investors invest because they want better returns. An investor weighs his investment options, considers his risks profile et al and make a decision of investment expecting certain returns, right? But I think we are living in a time when many of us are thinking and should think about what bigger return based investment we can make and how can we reduce risk. Risk of the society!

Three Avocados

Three Avocados Logo

A couple of months back a twitter handle @nonprofitcoffee followed me. It sounded strange, so I visited the handle, eventually the website. I was impressed and thought to write a blog on the same.

Three avocados is a Non for profit company operating out of Uganda. Their product is coffee, order from here. Avocados and coffee does not gel well together, right? The company is named so because a destitute widow gifted three avocados, the only possession she had, to the founders of this company when they visited a village.

This business has a purpose, not the cliche – to increase “shareholder” value. The purpose is different than many other businesses. They want to help Central African country – Uganda – with clean water. Young girls and women have a responsibility in their homes, the responsibility is to collect water for their daily chores. Well this is the story of many Indian villages as well. So can we think of such an initiative in India or other parts of the world? There are many social issues to handle e.g. women security in Delhi (just an example).

KRD Pravin

Here I am supposed to write about myself. Professionally, I am quite serious and a workaholic; personally I am an individual who enjoys what he does and takes life as it comes. I am passionate about my work and actions and empathetically careful, attached and committed to them. All this makes me a fierce competitive professional and yet a compassionate soul, the Yin and the Yang together. Balancing is the art to be practiced using the middle path. From -


    admin · February 26, 2014 at 1:41 am

    Yes uncleji I am aware about them and many others. UnLTDIndia is such a social entrepreneurship development organization.

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