Gratitude – clap your hands
Gratitude is a virtue, one must inculcate it. We must be happy, restrained & grateful at this tough time when the world is facing the pandemic of Coronavirus
Gratitude is a virtue, one must inculcate it. We must be happy, restrained & grateful at this tough time when the world is facing the pandemic of Coronavirus
Coronavirus is a great opportunity to stop and introspect be it – war, economy, healthcare and evolution. Here I introspect on evolution and meditation.
Every business or industry remains in business if and only if it provides some solution to the society. Isn’t it? Guns and grenades are there for providing security to borders of country, however bad it sounds when some mad-man opens fire injuring or killing innocent people but the industry and Read more…
As it had been for last 10 years, this February also, I abhorred writing a fat cheque to my insurance company. I hated the agent who had sold me those policies and almost made a fool out of me. Yes I always felt that he duped / robbed me by Read more…