Power corrupts!

It is an old saying – power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. I was wondering on the saying and the recent news. I thought to understand how ‘power’ has morphed in different forms, starting from the prehistoric muscle power to money, economy and authority. For a long time power was defined as muscle power of individual. When humans created concept of ‘money’ slowly economy took precedence over muscle power. European countries colonized more than Read more…

Old path white clouds!

I was inspired by the book “Old Path White Clouds” and learnt a lot about Buddhism and the Buddha from the same. The concept of the blog also came from that understanding. So, here in this blog I am posting what I felt while I was reading the last chapters of the book – When I was reading the last 3-4 chapters of the book, I stopped and was not willing to continue because I Read more…

TRIZ in sales and channel management

Contradictions! We live in a world of choices, conflicts and trade-offs. The following idiom says it all – “you can’t have your cake and eat it too!” In this regard, there is an approach to solving such problems wherein you are faced with contradictions. The theory is named TRIZ – the theory of inventive problem solving. By way of example, let me introduce a contradiction in simple terms. Let’s say you want to increase pressure Read more…

Change is the only constant!

Long back, I was thinking about the common wealth games (CWG), the news around that and what can I learn from that. I generally don’t want to comment on politics; nevertheless I learnt from these events and therefore I am trying to put my opinion on the same. When the news of corruption in CWG preparation started surfacing the Prime minister’s office (PMO) took control of the situation. The following events taught me few lessons Read more…

Balancing act… continued!

Recently, I wrote about the ‘balancing act’ based on the story of the Buddha. I started observing the concept of balance to a greater detail when I received the story from Prof Mankad, and here are few pointers in this continued blog. What I have realized in my studies lately is, the “engineerish thinking” (numbers all the time all the way) is not the end in itself. Marketing has long been a function requiring creative Read more…

‘Balancing act’

This is one of the stories shared by Prof Mankad with me. Once on his tour, the Buddha was resting in the shade of a large pipal tree. Under a nearby tree a group of dancing girls was also resting. One of the apprentice musician girls asked the leader of the group, “How do I tune this string instrument?” The head of the group, a ravishing beauty of a dancing girl, obviously with limited virtue Read more…

My New Year wish!

In the first month of reaching Dubai, we friends went to Barasti bar in required party wear e.g. shoes, jeans shirts and T-shirts, shaven etc etc. Doorman said “only for pairs”. We said ‘our girlfriends are already in’; we were told call them out and then you can enter. We called them and were waiting outside. The wait outside was the trigger for this wish. [On a lighter note – I do not have a Read more…

The Theory of Inventive Problem Solving (TRIZ)

I have written few blogs using concepts of TRIZ, so let me explain what is TRIZ? It is a problem solving methodology, more below from my earlier post at other place. How do we look and try to solve our problems? Generally, it is observed that everyone thinks in his circle of intellectual dominance (emotional, intellectual, social or technical). But when our interest is to find out solution for any problem relating to any particular Read more…

Ideate – Save the sinking ship

Prof Mankad said in our class ‘there seems to be possibility of double dip’ while teaching us macroeconomics. I have written on this in my blog at times. At times question comes in mind, why not using concepts of one field to the other the way we do it in TRIZ (The theory of inventive problem solving). I recalled a news shown on NDTV (it was shown in 2008 somewhere in Aug-Nov). I remember this Read more…

Lost in translation

I read some status messages on gtalk and other places – ‘lost in translation’. It is good that people get caught only in translation; there are chances when someone can be lost in words. Take an example – when I write business to Buddha, meaning is not limited to ‘business to Buddha’. Here Buddha relates to humanity, to the messages of the masters (prophets) and how message of the masters are applicable to businesses e.g. Read more…