Education, religion and spirituality
When Adviti started school, I learnt an analogy between education vs learning to religion and spirituality. Spirituality is like learning.
When Adviti started school, I learnt an analogy between education vs learning to religion and spirituality. Spirituality is like learning.
Half knowledge is equivalent to goat eating a piece of paper that had information. Goat would digest the paper not the knowledge on that.
My friend called me and said I want to talk to you. I said go ahead we can speak. He asked for specific time as his conversation was likely to be a longer one. So, we decided to speak after office hours on a Friday evening. He called me and Read more…
Last month I met Prof Mankad. I always think whenever I meet him I should record our conversation. He is indeed a library of knowledge in himself. We discussed about our education system besides many other things (blogs written last weeks) Purpose of education and Showjumping. Dr Mankad told me Read more…
When I visited my sister last time, I asked her this question – What is the purpose of education? She is a teacher, she was the best person to ask this question. I felt pity on my nieces, so I asked this question. My nieces (one just 4.5 years other Read more…
Long back, I was thinking about the common wealth games (CWG), the news around that and what can I learn from that. I generally don’t want to comment on politics; nevertheless I learnt from these events and therefore I am trying to put my opinion on the same. When the Read more…
We can learn from anywhere; only basic need is willingness to learn and being open to possibilities. The idea of this blog – Business to the Buddha was similar concept.