“Pets” as a topic to a blog sounds weird, especially when it is put on a blog site titled – Business to the Buddha. Well the topic reminded me of my old blog – Master is servant’s servant, Lessons from Twitter etc.
The definition given at Dictionary.com for Pet is – “a domestic or tamed animal or bird kept for companionship or pleasure.” Can we push the envelope of this definition and define pet without the word ‘animal’? Because we see many people also behaving like animals – anti-social ways and as pets (perhaps like sycophant) both! Though, I feel when animal’s show affection it is not necessarily sycophancy the way humans do. Well, if you ask a person who shows the characteristics of a sycophant, he/she would say – in business/professional life one has to do it. Wonder if the other is not a professional (perhaps not a successful professional).
In my case Internet and specially Twitter sounds more of a pet than any animal. Or its the other way round – I am a pet of Internet / Blogging / Twitter et al.
Pet reminds me of my very first and only pet a dog – Snoopy – I had when I was 12 years. It was more of a responsibility for my mother than for me. Snoopy was more of a toy to me; a cute little 7 day old pup. My mom told me to leave it with its mother because Snoopy is too young. I agreed and that ended my small stint with a pet. However, that small period taught me that animals too have emotions & their requirements. Affection of mother was more important to Snoopy than anything else. Also, my pleasure was not the only thing that was important, it was wish, willingness of that small dog was equally important. Mostly we forget the second lesson in our interaction with fellow humans too. That turns out to be possession. The other person becomes a pet & your affection becomes a cage for him/her. This I am writing on Valentine’s Day, so hope few people will learn some lesson from here. Furthermore, if people learn from pet’s that love does not necessarily demand anything in return or any favor we would have a better world.
Happy Valentine’s Day.
Spread love to every living being and everything equally. World would become a happy peaceful place automatically, isn’t it?
Image source – Dog – http://www.furballfitnesspetcare.com/ Rose – http://flowers-earth.blogspot.in/2012/04/rose.html
rummuser · February 17, 2016 at 7:33 pm
I wish that you had elaborated on the theme of human beings being pets!
KRD Pravin · February 17, 2016 at 10:53 pm
I was to write on that. Valintine’s day made me change the flow.
Also, there were a lot of directions I could take on that topic.
Lastly, felt let people infer & think on the line of human beings as pet… a dog is more loyal than a human being (hope you get the drift in the lines of current Indian journalism and their political patrons in mind) 🙂
dunnasead.co · February 17, 2016 at 9:19 pm
Beautiful work. Thank you. Something to think more about
shackman · February 20, 2016 at 7:10 am
Taht was an interesting take on the topic. Thank you!
KRD Pravin · March 31, 2016 at 9:09 am
🙂 that how I think, ‘bit weird’ isnt it?