Back to the basics – 4 unforgettable lessons for life
What are few lessons that I learnt in a day? These lessons apply to every walk of life be it personal, professional, social or spiritual life.
What are few lessons that I learnt in a day? These lessons apply to every walk of life be it personal, professional, social or spiritual life.
Involuntary action of bowing in temple does not make one religious. Reverence must come from within, it’d be a mindful act. You shouldn’t be God fearing religious, be God loving.
Recently, my father had a severe stomach ache. Doctors prescribed pain killers. It helped to a certain extent, however, two days later again he had the same issue. Some diagnoses gave no conclusive reasoning to the issue. The further diagnosis helped us figure out – the causes, possible approaches to avoid it in the future – what to eat, what to avoid, and what should be the lifestyle – besides the medicines. Behavioral issue How Read more…
Every small or big decision you make can make you a victim or a victor of circumstances. Are you a Victim or a victor of the circumstances?
Long back I received this story – Virtue of integrity. I liked it so kept it sharing on the blog, unfortunately missed publishing it. Now I don’t know the source where I read it, a Google search gave me this link, so assume this is the source. No copyrights claimed. Without further ado, here it is. Virtue of integrity A successful businessman was growing old and knew it was time to choose a successor to Read more…
When Adviti started school, I learnt an analogy between education vs learning to religion and spirituality. Spirituality is like learning.
Half knowledge is equivalent to goat eating a piece of paper that had information. Goat would digest the paper not the knowledge on that.
Everything is Impermanent and trifling or forever and important. It is the perception with which we look at things. Even the speck of sand is also forever and important – only form changes.
Everyone lives in his own world. This world is made up of what we live in our minds. What we see is not ahead of our eyes, it is behind our eyebrows.