It was October and winters were just starting in Canada, for a change it was nice weather for me. I had not seen < 10 degrees in Mumbai for almost a decade now. In this beginning of winter we – Anil, Abhijit, Prasad and I – were talking about eggs being Veg or non-veg food. I was the only Veg person amongst all and do not eat egg (by choice). So the point went on to whether egg has life & how does fertilization of egg happen?
That discussion became an argument and point of contention. I said I do not eat egg because of my choice, I do not want to question whether an unfertilized egg should be considered as veg & I (and many more Veg) should consume egg.
It was an interesting question, I never had thought of this. So I searched on net and of course others too did it. The argument was won by Abhijit in the process of egg fertilization. My mind was running in different direction when I read the production process or making of an egg! If you want the drift read how egg production happens (inside a chicken!) here.
Hens are like gumball machine (as the author of the blog calls it), popping eggs every 25 hours. Hen keeps on producing eggs through its process of ovulation, where Ovum is released to infundibulum, to magnum, to isthmus and to shell glands. The most surprising and disappointing part comes here at shell gland. The white shell which we see in egg is made by not either the diet (ok that is good) or by procuring enough calcium from the hen’s body. Yes, calcium is taken from hen’s body e.g. bones if enough calcium is not consumed by it. Just imagine daily this hen is producing egg and if enough calcium is not in its diet it is decomposing its body to produce the egg.
Now let us think about hens as human, poultry farm as world economy (well I want to say this but still want to mince the words) and owners of poultry farm are the few who are heading World Bank, IMF, Banks and politicians. They perhaps do not care about what happens to the hen what they want is their egg next day. Oh yes, the owner of poultry farm does health check-up, takes care of sanitation & cheks quality of feed (equivalent of running education and development programs), but its as good a guess of yours as mine – for what?
Making of shell of an egg and effectively the whole DAILY process of production of egg made me think of humans as the chicken. We are burning our lives (ask chicken uses its bones); why to make the economy work! An economy which is judged by GDP, share market growth and value of money et al. and who is at the core of it all? The Pseudo-owners or the proprietor of the economy of the world!
Abhijit helped me learn that Veg people can eat eggs which isn’t fertile as that does not have life in it & it could be called similar to any dairy produce.
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shackman · December 30, 2015 at 9:59 pm
You nwin the prize for the oddest metaphor for life and the econpmy I haved ever readf – and considering I have a degree in Political Science – International Relations I have seen quite a few. And were I only a veg consumer eating eggs would simply be a matter of taste – or lack thereof. Personally I find eggs tasteless and typically only consume them in omelets or frittatas and the like. The egg becomes the vehicle for the flavors of the other ingredients.
Now it seems to me my omelet or frittata is a metaphor for India with it’s diversity and many flavors (religions, languages). This menu for economy ics grows more confusing with every thought. Sigh.
This was an interesting exercise – since you spend so much time in Canada I hope you have come to appreciate their national sport.
KRD Pravin · December 31, 2015 at 7:16 am
Yes I did enjoy my stay in Canada, in fact I must say I enjoyed staying there.
Sport as in baseball? There was no ice when I was there so ice-hockey was mostly out of question. I followed Blue Jays otherwise (they did very well this season). I think I was a lucky charm for Blue Jays. Until I was there they progressed, unfortunately, lost the day I flew out of Canada (I was at airport when they played the game). I dont know if I should feel good about that or no 🙂 🙁
On economy & eggs both are interdependent and there is a process of evolution involved in both of them 😉