Interdependent co-arising in long run
Be it spiritual or no, all of us will benefit if we learn the concept of interdependent co-arising not only for ourselves, it’ll impact generations to come very positively.
Be it spiritual or no, all of us will benefit if we learn the concept of interdependent co-arising not only for ourselves, it’ll impact generations to come very positively.
Over time, I have been analyzing socialism and capitalism from the lense of spiritual professional. Mostly, people think combination of words “spiritual” and “professional” sound as an oxymoron. No it is not. A spiritual person can be more thoughtful, it is not necessary that a spiritual approach only suits in […]
Interdependent co-arising is a very fascinating concept of Buddhism. I could relate to it deeply, in fact inception of this blog website lies in that. We are “social animals” and thus interdependent co-arising is no foreign concept to us. However, off late many of us have become too greedy, self-centric […]
As I have been writing a lot about interdependent co-arising, I came across this video and thought to share it without delay on my blog. If you can understand this video you can understand the concept of Buddhism on interdependent co-arising. Please watch this small <5 min video a wonderful experiment. […]
In previous blog “Coalgate…” I touched on the topic of Dutch Disease. The concept of Dutch disease rebounds me to the interdependent co-arising once again (interdependent co-arising means – we are all dependent on each other.). This concept of Buddhism is applicable in every walk of life. If we (each […]
I hae written on Interdependent co-arising (older blogs at the link) earlier. The concept simply means – we are all dependent on each other. Those who want to know the concept in layman term follow this blog – interdependent co-arising example of a farmer. Definintion of interdependent co-arising is below with a […]
Recently Dr Raghunathan shared a link of his interview with Wharton with me We are individually very smart but collectively dumb. The very first paragraph of the interview has an example of a farmer. A farmer whose corn won top awards year after year. When a reporter asked about the […]
The Buddha Dependent co-arising a brief explanation is of this is – From interdependent origins, all things arise & all things pass away. Check out how the concept of Karma relates to it with the domino effect video.
Yes I know you must be wondering as if the topic is not complete or I missed something? This blog is not related with politics or religious division either. No, no I am not going to write about terrorist attacks again. They are becoming something very common now a days. We […]
Its been three weeks I did not write anything on blog. I felt as if I am not doing justice with my blogging. However, I was too busy with work and therefore could not fulfill this commitment. This passion when put on hold by professional responsibilities, I can understand how […]